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SOM Teaching Symbol

What is this Symbol and what does it mean?


This is our teaching symbol, designed by our founder, Ernest Holmes (1887-1960). It symbolizes the creative process of both Universal and individual Life based on the profound idea that we are “made in the image and likeness “ of the ONE. Its literal definition is “The descent of Spirit, through Law, into form.”

The Circle represents Infinite Spirit or the ONE. This circle contains three sections representing three aspects of the Divine Reality, or a "trinity" of Life. 

The top section represents Spirit, the Absolute Nature of the Divine, the impulsion of Love and the Desire to Create. It can also be understood as the Creator, or First Cause. This is the seed of thought, belief or intention. 

Within that Infinity is Spiritual Law. Law is accessed by each of us, first by our conscious awareness. Then, we empower some of our thoughts with feeling. Thoughts surrounded by feeling become beliefs—and our beliefs create our experience of conditions, forms, effects. The center section represents this Law of Cause and Effect (Soul), meaning the orderly process through which the Will of God (the impulsion of Love) becomes manifested or created. This is the soil into which the seed is planted. 

The lower section is Body, meaning the physical, created universe which is understood to be the actual manifestation (incarnation) of Spirit in Form. This is the growing plant which is the result of the seed being planted.

The “V” symbolizes the creative process itself, reminding us that any impulsion or cause, be it a thought, intention or belief, moves through Law and becomes part of the physical. For every form, experience or effect there is a cause whether consciously planted or not.

By developing a new belief in the goodness and givingness of life, each of us can manifest a new way of being in the world: greater happiness, harmony, prosperity, anything we can imagine. Consciously using the Law of Mind toward these ends, we contribute something positive into the collective belief system of all humankind, setting an intention of a higher good for all. 


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